Category: General

Category: General

Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed website hosting essentially means that the host takes care of all your website's technical needs. If you're paying for "regular" hosting, without any management specified in the price, you're likely just getting unmanaged hosting. What's the day-to-day difference, and why do you need managed WordPress hosting? Find out here.

5 Ways to Choose the Best Visuals for Your WordPress Landing Pages

Choosing the wrong visuals for your WordPress landing page can lead to an increased bounce rate, while choosing the right one can boost engagement and conversion rates. In this article we take a look at five different ways to choose the best possible visuals for your landing pages, along with some illustrative examples to set you on the right track.

Why Build Your Site with a Popular WordPress Theme

Now that you’ve decided to create a WordPress website, the theme you choose will be crucial. You'll want a premium theme complete with all the necessary features, visual layouts, and latest tools. Learn all about Newspaper, a unique news and WooCommerce WordPress theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with ease.

Do you need managed WordPress hosting?

Do you know the difference between regular WordPress hosting and managed WordPress hosting? Managed costs more - why? And do you really need to pay for those extras? What exactly ARE those extras? Learn about the pros and cons of managed WordPress hosting as well as details about shared hosting vs. VPS. With this information you’ll be able to answer the question, do you need managed WordPress hosting?

What is managed WordPress hosting?

Every website host is responsible for maintaining the server, which is the physical home of your website, but that doesn’t mean they are providing managed website hosting, which means that the host takes care of all your website’s technical needs. Learn about the difference!

With or without WWW – which website address is better for SEO in WordPress

As a user, you can reach a website just by typing the web address, and it makes no difference whether or not you put www. at the beginning. So a lot of our customers ask us if it matters whether they use it or not. What’s the difference and which is best for you? Find out here.

The uPress Site Migration Tool

Our smooth, user-friendly Auto Migration Tool automates WordPress migration to make it friction-free. This user-friendly guide will teach you how to migrate your site in 1,2,3, go!

Why is it important to use the latest version of WordPress? Part 1

Every time a new WordPress version is released, our customers ask us if they should update their theme. Is it safe? What are the pros and cons of updating to the latest version? Learn about the potential effects of an update on your security, features and performance.

How to Install WordPress using the uPress Admin Panel

If you’re building your own website on the WordPress content management platform, you might be feeling a little nervous about how to get started. Don’t worry! We’re here with this non-scary guide that will take you through each step of building a new WordPress content management site.

How to force WordPress to check for updates

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” doesn’t fly here. Yes, you have to update your plugins, because if you don’t, you are vulnerable to cyberattacks, and ain’t nobody got time for that. This is a quick, easy guide to “force” your website to update regularly.

How to Change Date and Time Formats in WordPress

Are you doing business internationally? Or perhaps you’re in a location that requires a 24-hour clock (many European and Middle Eastern cultures write in “army time” - like “Meeting at 18:00”.) If that’s the case with your target audience, you need to meet them where they are in the language and format they’re used to. Learn how to change the time zone if you’re targeting users in a specific location, or adapt the date and month to match local customs.
